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Privacy Policy Including Cookies/GDPR


Privacy Policy publication date: 17/7/24


Last updated:  17/7/24

Sprowston Sports and Social Club (SSSC) Privacy Policy




  • SSSC contact details for GDPR purposes

  • Data we collect and how we use it

  • Data retention

  • Accessing Your Data and Your rights

  • Administration of your data

  • Where your data is stored

  • Legitimate interest and your data

  • SSSC Cookie Use Policy​


SSSC Privacy Policy


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR), this privacy policy sets out your rights and responsibilities in regard to your personal data and how SSSC uses this data.


All the personal data that we collect about you will have been supplied to us by you.

This data is used to identify your personal preferences and match your needs with relevant services, assisting in the processing of services and products you buy, and for marketing purposes.


It is SSSC’s policy is never to share data with third parties that can identify you as an individual unless it is to fulfil a contractual obligation


SSSC Contact details for GDPR purposes


You may at any time request access to the personal data held about you and, if incorrect, request rectification by contacting us. We reserve the right to ask you for proof of your identity.


Sprowston Sports and Social Club

Blue Boar Lane, Sprowston, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 8RJ

Phone: 01603 427688



Requests should be made in writing or email.  SSSC will respond to your request within maximum 30 days of receipt.  This complies with GDPR.


Data we collect and how we use it


The data we collect is always provided by our customers and website visitors. Should you contact the club by electronic means, i.e. email, social media messenger services, contact forms via the club’s website, any information provided by you is retained.


Data we collect:


  • Subscription to email database: Name & e-mail

  • Function Room hire form: Name, e-mail, phone number, full address, booking date

  • Membership form: Name, e-mail, phone number, full address, date of birth.

  • Making a website comment: Name & e-mail, or sign in data via Google or Facebook.


Social Media: All information you supply when messaging, or commenting via social media can be used by us for communication or marketing purposes. Be aware that your actions via social media may be used by social media companies to show you posts from Sprowston Sports and Social Club.

This data is used to reply to your questions or process services ordered and to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, and for email marketing purposes.

Note, SSSC has no access to your sensitive payment data such as your credit card number.


Data Retention


Your information is held for as long as SSSC needs it, or until you choose for it to be deleted.

See section ‘Accessing Your Data and Your Rights’.


If SSSC deems your data is no longer useful, it will be deleted in accordance with GDPR.

Accessing Your Data and Your Rights

Accessing your data

You may at any time request access to the personal data held about you and, if incorrect, request rectification by contacting us at the address set out in the paragraph ‘SSSC Contact details for GDPR purposes’ of this Privacy Policy.


Your Rights


Your data is owned by you and as such you can exercise certain rights under GDPR. They are:


  • Right to be informed – You have a right to know what personal information SSSC stores about you and how that data is used.

  • Right of access – You have the right to access the data we hold about you and confirm with us whether or not we are using it.

  • Right of rectification/ correction  - You have the right to correct mistakes in your data that is stored with the SSSC.

  • Right to erasure – You have a right to have your data that is held by SSSC erased.

  • Right to restrict processing – If there is an aspect of your data that you do not want SSSC to process, you do have a right to restrict processing unless the data is needed to fulfil a contractual duty.

  • Right to object – If there is an aspect of your data that you do not want SSSC to process, you do have a right to object unless the data is needed to fulfil a contractual duty.

  • Right to port – You can choose to move the data we hold to a third party if you choose.

  • Rights related to automated decision data processing - Currently, SSSC does not undertake automated profiling in relation to your data.

Administration of your data

This section identifies key administrators, i.e. those responsible for processing your data and who has access to it.  The following people have access to your data:

  • Data Controller: Chairman Bob Denyer. As chairman, Bob is ultimately responsible for processing of your data and

  • Data Processor: Richard Teahon. Richard is responsible for much of the data entry and use.  He can be contacted by details set out in SSSC Contact details for GDPR purposes.


Where your data is stored


The SSSC uses third party companies to store your data. They are:

  • – Website hosting

  • Microsoft – Administration

  • Epos – Taking payments

  • Sumup – Taking payments

  • Google – Browser and analytic use

  • Meta – Ads and social media posts

All of these companies follow strict GDPR procedures, storing data on secure servers located in the USA, and Europe, and the UK. The USA servers comply with GDPR and are part of the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.


Please note, that we have no control on how the above companies use your data.


Legitimate Interest and Your Data


Under the Legitimate Interest section of GDPR, SSSC has assessed that processing your data in the following ways is in the best interests of both you and SSSC.

  • Email communication.

  • Image use on social media and the website.

  • Testimonials.

Email communications is used to answer your queries and for marketing SSSC events.


Images and videos that are published on social media are to promote the club to a wider audience.


Testimonials provided by you may be published on our website, and third party websites to promote SSSC services.  The information you provide directly may be published and this can include your full name and geographical area.


In accordance with your rights, you can choose to opt out of any aspect of data processing at any time and have your data erased. (See section ‘Your Rights’)


SSSC Cookie Use Policy


In order to guarantee the correct functioning of the SSSC website, we sometimes use small data files called “cookies” on your computer. Almost all websites do this and it is an automatic process.


What is a cookie?


A cookie is a small text file saved onto your computer or mobile device by websites you visit. Cookies, allow the website to memorise your actions and preferences (such as your connexion, screen size, pages you’ve visited, your preferred language, etc.) for a determined duration of time.


As such, if you visit the site, and come back to it later, you may have to accept the cookies policy again if the determined duration of time has expired. The cookie inserted on your device will indicate the website that you have accepted or refused cookies. Accepting cookies ensures you do not have to approve cookies on every page.

What else do we do with cookies?

Cookies on this site allow us to do the following:


  • Keeping your visualisation preferences between the pages you visit (font sizes, etc.)

  • Count the number of different visitors on each page in order to figure out which services or blog posts interest our visitors. This provides us with the information needed to make relevant decisions to improve your experience

  • Remembering your preferences when entering a website comment

  • Allowing that the back and forward buttons are functional when you navigate on the site

  • There is also a private and controlled section for the site administration and site security. Any user trying to connect to this section is immediately recorded in order to detect and block attacks to the site. Data collected in these instances include login details, IP address, device type, browser type, the time, and location details.

Third Party Cookies

Google Analytics


This site uses Google Analytics, a business intelligence tool from Google Inc.  Google Analytics uses cookies, (text files) placed on your computer (using your browser).  The cookies record your use of the site allowing us to make informed decisions about how best to improve our services.

The data collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google servers located in the United States and are fully compliant with GDPR, the EU regulations on data privacy.


When IP Masking (IP anonymization) is activated on a site, your IP address will be compressed by Google beforehand. The compression will take place in country’s that are member of the European Union or Member States of the Treaty of the European Economic Area before your data is sent to their servers in the USA. Only in exceptional circumstances will your complete IP address be transferred to Google Inc. server in the USA.  In these instances, your IP address will be compressed by Google Inc. in the USA.


Google will use this information on behalf of the owner of the site in order to analyse your use of the latter, produce reports on visitor’s activity and supply data to third services linked to the use of the site and Internet.


Google Inc. will not link your IP address information to other Google Services, although it may pass on the data to third party services.

It is possible to disable cookies by adjusting your browser.  In these instances, however, the functionality of this site may be impaired.

More information can be found here: Google Analytics Terms of Use, and Google Analytics Privacy Policy


Example forms:


  • Document download form

  • Commenting on a blog post​

  • Completing a newsletter signup form


The activation of cookies is therefore absolutely not mandatory but allows displaying the right information on the right pages. You have the option to block or delete these cookies but the site will lose functionality and your user experience may be impaired. The information stored in cookies is never used to identify you personally but to identify the computer that made the request. Cookies are therefore never used other than what is given in the list above.

Real Cookie Banner


To manage the cookies and similar technologies used (tracking pixels, web beacons, etc.) and related consents, we use the consent tool "Real Cookie Banner".

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this context is Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR and Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the management of the cookies and similar technologies used and the related consents.


The provision of personal data is neither contractually required nor necessary for the conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide the personal data. If you do not provide the personal data, we will not be able to manage your consent.


How to control cookies on your computer


In addition to the acceptance on our site, you can control cookie use directly on adjusting your browser settings.  You can authorise or block cookies and automate your preferences.  Bear in mind, that internet use will be impaired should you choose to block or delete cookies.


Important Note


This privacy policy only applies to this website and not to the websites of other companies, individuals or organisations to which we provide links.

More information on your privacy and GDPR can be found here: Information Commissioner’s Office -


Changes to our privacy policy


SSSC will update this privacy policy as necessary in function of GDPR evolutions. When we do, we’ll revise the updated date at the top of this page. We encourage you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.


Your acceptance of these terms


By using our site, you signify your acceptance of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed as your acceptance of those changes.


Privacy by Design


Server hosting for this site is compliant with GDPR. Hosting company Wix has made a full commitment to comply with GDPR and data protection.

The site uses SSL encryption to prevent identity theft, ensuring the connection between the site and your machine is secure.

This site does not store your data in relations to forms.  The data is sent directly to the e-mail of SSSC’s data controller.  The only information stored is what you provide.


The site will present a banner inviting you to accept ‘cookies’ which are blocked by default. The functionality of SSSC’s site depends on your full acceptance of cookies. Functionality applies to forms, anti-spam plugins forward/back buttons, and third party tools used to improve your navigation and the business such as Google Analtyics. If you choose not to accept cookies much of the site will not work correctly.


SSSC does not take payments directly from you but uses Epos and Sumup in some circumstances. Both companies have their own fully compliant GDPR security systems and privacy policy.


Site administration is a protected and controlled space. This is only accessible by SSSC staff and any unauthorised attempt to access the administrator is blocked. It is only in these instances and in the interests of security that the following are recorded without permission of the user: IP address, user name, password tested, the type of machine used, the browser, date and time, and geographical location. This information is passed on to the authorities if deemed necessary.

Should an attack be detected by the site's security systems, all security information intercepted during the attack is stored and reviewed in the form of log files.  Should an attack happen, the site’s safeguards will come into effect. This could involve blocking the attacker's IP, report to an authority, report the site where the attack has been sent from, etc.


Every page on the site has the same security measures. If you find your IP address has been blocked without an obvious reason, we recommend you contact SSSC to resolve the matter.
































Blue Boar Lane






Tel: 01603 427688


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